OzLab, Inc Apps

POP 10 soda 1.0.4
OzLab, Inc
POP 10 soda is very easy and simple puzzlegame, you can pop and create ten through the combination of numbersin bubble.It’s a refreshing puzzle game for children's basic arithmeticoperation and preventing dementia for the elderly.Pop10soda won a participation prize in the second annualfunctional game ideas competition (education part) in the Republicof Korea.Pop10 soda is brain training game make ‘to make ten’ which isthe basic course of mathematics.It's made acquiring ‘To make 10’ basics of mathematics into a.We made to feel the excitement about the mathematics and thisgame is action puzzle game helps to arithmetic operation abilityand quick adaptation.This game is a child's brain's growth and help in the prevention ofAlzheimer's disease and also help the prevention of digitaldementia.It is very simple to play.The more the number of ‘to make 10’, you can obtain a high scoreduring the time limit.The more the number of combination bubble(number) can obtain highscore than you thought.Too simple?You may think so. Well how about this?You can catch the bomb skill which can burst into a lot ofbubble at a time and also can catch the skill that’ll increase playtime by lowering the level of mineral water.If you made 'To make 10' 10 times and you can have the bomb.Select the bomb, and touch the bubble that you want, burstingbubbles around at the same time.You can obtain combination score as number of popped bubble.Make 10 times the number combination of three or more and youcan catch the skill that’ll increase play time.Press the skill button and increase play time by lowering the levelof mineral water.Another tip!If you don't like the bubble(numbers) that are now and shake yoursmartphone and then all the bubble popped and you can find newbubble.Showing off you score!You can share your score with friends through SNS.If you log in the Google Play in ‘Soda Pop Ten Gams’, and youcan see your achievement and the leaderboard.
lvlTest 1.0
OzLab, Inc
....----개발자 연락처 :070-8775-0258....
치매예방게임 두더지 1.0.0
OzLab, Inc
• 2015 대한민국 게임대상 굿게임상 수상• 2015년 3차 이달의 우수게임 착한게임부분 선정• 한국콘텐츠진흥원 치매예방 기능성게임 개발지원• 제2회 대한민국 기능성게임 아이디어공모전 통합대상• 내 핸드폰속에 저장된 전화번호를 두더지 잡기 게임으로 재미있게 외울 수 있습니다.• 치매체크 기능을 통해 나의 치매 진행 정도를 체크해 볼 수 있습니다.• 다양한 브레인게임으로 재미있게 두뇌운동 할 수 있습니다.스마트폰 사용자가 암기하고 있는 전화번호 수는 평균 7.2개 입니다.지금, 당신이 암기하고 있는 전화번호는 몇개인가요?두더지 게임으로 내 핸드폰 속 전화번호를 재미있게 외우세요.그리고, 재미있는 브레인게임으로 매일 두뇌스트레칭도 하세요.----개발자 연락처 :070-8775-0258• 2015 Republic of Korea Good games targets games Award• 2015 March Car of the Month Selection Good Game GoodGameparts• Korea Creative Content Agency dementia Serious GameDevelopmentSupport• 2nd Republic of Korea Serious Game Idea Competitionintegrationtargets• You can memorize a fun game to catch the mole numbers stored inmycell phone.• You can check the progress of my dementia, dementiawithcheck-ins.• You can have fun in a variety of brain exercise game Brain.Smartphone users can memorize a telephone number and anaverage7.2 stars.Now, is that you have several phone numbers and memorize?Please memorize the fun and my cell phone number in amolegame.And even stretch your brain every day with fun brain games.